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ChillTheKeel 10:22 Tue Dec 10
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Arsenal - Official Match Thread
Me and the old man were struggling to stay awake, such was a the dull predictability of our play and the outcome after they equalised. I'm bored shitless of this turgid bollocks, year after year.

Sajmo1 10:14 Tue Dec 10
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Arsenal - Official Match Thread
Great performance from declan again. Feel sorry for the lad. If we don't invest heavily this summer I think there is absolutely no way he'll stay..

Kidders 9:25 Tue Dec 10
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Arsenal - Official Match Thread
I don’t see any logic in leaving out 2 attacking players, irrespective of form, and have 4 defensive players on the bench at home.

Sven Roeder 9:09 Tue Dec 10
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Arsenal - Official Match Thread
There is nothing to support, Mex
Pellegrini has run out of ideas and has checked out. He is just waiting for his payout.
The players have lost any belief and any will to try.
Nothing is changing and we are just wasting time.
Sacking him today and putting anyone in charge for Southampton before we have 12 days to find a replacement for Boxing Day is the only sensible option.

legrandefromage 8:30 Tue Dec 10
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Arsenal - Official Match Thread
I can't believe there is anyone, anywhere who has seen something in Pellegrini to convince that he is worth persevering with. Regardless of any other issues at the club his team are unfit, disorganised, dispirited, unmotivated, inflexible and probably the slowest in the league. You would need to be a true believer to think he can get this fixed.

side effect 8:25 Tue Dec 10
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Arsenal - Official Match Thread
I'm at the stage now where I dont enjoy us in the premier at all. I definitely do not look forward to the majority of matches we have and would feel so much better in a league far more suited to us. Let's be honest almost every weekend is ruined and most hate the soulless bowl. Part of me wants us down just to get rid of the popcorn munchers and heap embarrassment on the board who have lied to us.

Why are we the only ones that will just watch the manager take us down like before. We deserve all we get and the only consolation for me is that I chucked my season ticket in after the manny fiasco.

Mex Martillo 7:57 Tue Dec 10
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Arsenal - Official Match Thread
Easy to say from my armchair, but we need to support Pellegrini and the team.
Snodgrass on the right is an odd one Jasnik, and then Fornals on the left? Not sure what the advantage is in that?

Alfs 6:03 Tue Dec 10
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Arsenal - Official Match Thread
Why anyone would WANT us to go down is a mystery. We could end up in a half-filled stadium for years.

But yes, Pelle needs to go. Was a big fan at first and we started this season very well but since Oxford, it's all gone to shit.

Get Bilic back in. 6th and 11th wasn't too shoddy. We need stability, It's been a farce for far too long.

Jasnik 5:58 Tue Dec 10
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Arsenal - Official Match Thread
thought Snodgrass should have come off before Anderson tonight.

But the whole team seemed to run out of steam at 60 mins ..

Also bringing Holand on 3 - 1 down seems bizare he is on a hiding to nothing .

Also Antonio was shot by then but they leave him on

Jasnik 5:52 Tue Dec 10
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Arsenal - Official Match Thread
Fed up with snodgrass on the right .. Keeps turning into his left.. Nightmare.

Not a single good cross from that side.

Manuel 5:47 Tue Dec 10
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Arsenal - Official Match Thread
There is nothing new to say anymore, exactly the same comments each and every week. The move has completely killed the football club.

I sincerely hope we go down.

J.Riddle 2:11 Tue Dec 10
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Arsenal - Official Match Thread
I got in my seat just before kick off. Queues at security were long, two bold as brass Cockney Red blokes chatting behind me, one said" I'm looking forward to this haven't been to a live game for ages, last time was Man Utd, but I got fed up keep driving all the way up to Old Trafford and seeing them play shit. Mates replies yeah should be interesting, you get more locals here.

Northern Sold 2:04 Tue Dec 10
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Arsenal - Official Match Thread
Crazy days

Eerie Descent 1:58 Tue Dec 10
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Arsenal - Official Match Thread
Wild times tomorrow, son...

Northern Sold 1:55 Tue Dec 10
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Arsenal - Official Match Thread
VAT Registration program fell over fella... massive input file (MTD) caused all sorts of shit... pellegrini thinks he has problems...

Eerie Descent 1:53 Tue Dec 10
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Arsenal - Official Match Thread
Who rung you from work, and what did they want, son?

Northern Sold 1:49 Tue Dec 10
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Arsenal - Official Match Thread
Had a phone call from work... was winning 1-0... went to kitchen to take the call and to write a few things down... 10 mins later come into front room...1-3... some going that... even when we was winning 1-0 it was fucking SHIT... one of the worst atmospheres I have ever heard in a London Derby... oh and another thing... I know of 5 (FIVE) Goons in our end.. all madly bought tickets from WHU STH's... a new fucking low

White Pony 1:48 Tue Dec 10
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Arsenal - Official Match Thread
What an.enormous cunt that Pepe is.though.

J.Riddle 1:45 Tue Dec 10
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Arsenal - Official Match Thread
I blame myself for tonight's result.

Been to 4 games at the cesspit this season, Palace, Newcastle, Spurs and Arsenal. Lost every one :-(

theaxeman 1:43 Tue Dec 10
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Arsenal - Official Match Thread
I dont agree that the defeat was down to the manager. He set us up to nullify them playing from the back, we set traps and it worked for an hour. It was totally undone be Masuaku's inability to defend properly brought about by cresswells necessary lunge at pepe.

COOL HAND LUKE 1:41 Tue Dec 10
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Arsenal - Official Match Thread
Lily Hammer 1:20 Tue Dec 10

I don't think it was a case of overconfidence or switching off. What happened was we ran out of steam. We had 30% possession first half and we ran ourselves ragged chasing the ball. Ljungberg was smart enough to realise that we would fade, and that even a small improvement from his boys would put them in the chair. Worryingly, looking at our subs and failure to change the pattern of play, it appears that none of this occurred to Pelle...

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